Life Enhancement Strategies
In your first session you will meet with a therapist to talk about the thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are important to you. The therapist will give you feedback about what you can expect from therapy and will answer questions you might have. The therapist may recommend a different type of therapy than what we provide, and refer you to an appropriate practitioner, or in some cases may not recommend therapy at all.
We are committed to helping you create a life you love. Instead of providing weekly therapy in a traditional model, we have created life-enhancing programs that celebrate the uniqueness of every person who walks through our doors. Evidenced-based therapy techniques make up the foundation of every program. However, we suppliment with techniques the latest technologies, like Virtuall Reality, Mindfullness, and Neurofeedback, to help you optimize your performance and results.
Therapy is a fantastic process for those things that interrupt or impair us. keep us from being healthy and fully alive. life, whereas life-enhancement strategies on the other hand,
Our integrative process focuses on:
What you need, why are you seeking therapy?
How are you doing, is your life working, is it what you want it to be?
Are you making good use of your strengths and personal resources?
What areas of personal growth are most important to produce the results you want?